Noah's Ark Possibility Project (NAPP)
In September of 2015, this website launched the Noah's Ark Possibility Project (NAPP) with the stated purpose to investigate whether an ark as specified in Genesis 6:14-16 could possibly have had sufficient carrying capacity to save two of every kind of bird and land animal, both male and female. more
Current Articles
How old are the Grand Canyon Paleozoic sedimentary formations?
Sedimentary strata are normally laid down flat or very nearly flat. Folding of the sedimentary
strata without fracturing within and around the Grand Canyon can potentially provide convincing evidence that the canyon’s Paleozoic
sedimentary layers were all laid down in a brief time not millions of years. more
Do ice cores really indicate over a hundred thousand years?
Claims that ice cores from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets indicate ages over a hundred thousand years need critical
evaluation. Does the evidence support these claims? Could these ice sheets be only several thousand years old? more
Can Radioactivity be used as a clock?
All radioactive elements spontaneously decay into daughter elements. Decay rates vary among the different radioactive
elements at what appears to be a constant rate for each radioactive element as measured by extensive testing over the last 125 years.
Scientists have tried to change the decay rates by various means with limited minor success. These apparent constant rates led to
the idea that radioactivity could be used as a clock. more
Plants, why do they reproduce and where does this ability come from?
Why do plants reproduce and where did this ability come from? The why is simple. A principle of biology is that "life only comes from life." The first plants either reproduced or died out; no second chances were possible. They did not have hundreds, thousands, millions, or billions of years to evolve this ability by chance. This ability must have been there from the beginning. more
Seeds: magnificent designs
From the information presented in a preceding article on this website entitled “Plants, why do they reproduce and where does this ability come from?” it may be concluded that plants are the product of an intelligent designer. Science cannot determine who this intelligent designer was/is but the existence of one. Seeds are an important part of these magnificent designs. As viewed from the Judeo-Christian perspective, this intelligent designer is the creator God of the Bible. more
Australopithecus afarensis - just an extinct ape species?
Lucy AL 288-1, the most complete skeleton of the Australopithecus afarensis species, was found by Donald Johanson in the Afar region of Ethiopia in 1974. For a fossilizied australopithecine ape, this find might have received passing interest or fame that is except for the claims of Johanson and others that this species walked habitually on two legs. more
Humans and
Chimpanzees: 134 of the Differences
Common among secular writings addressing human origins is the story that chimpanzees are
our closest relatives and that humans and chimpanzees evolved from an unknown common ape ancestor millions of years ago. Why connect
humans to chimpanzees? more
Are Special Creation and/or Evolution Science?
To determine whether special creation and/or evolution
meet the requirements of science, they need to be compared to an acceptable definition of science. more
The Cases for Evolution and
Special Creation
Special creation and evolution are in opposition: they both cannot be true. To prove one is to disprove the other. more
The number of examples refuting evolution continue to multiply. more
Intelligent Design
"The theory of intelligent design
(ID) "holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than an undirected
process ... more
Origin of Life
In common usage, a miracle is often used to describe highly improbable events ... more
Eve: Who, Where, and When?
Human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is conventionally thought to be inherited only from the mother. Generally,
this may be true although several recent papers... more
Carbon-14 Versus the Conventional Geologic Time Scale
Carbon-14, a quantitatively
rare and seemingly insignificant radioactive atom in nature, provides an important key to dating many historical events even the Genesis
Flood. more
The White Cliffs of Dover
The White Cliffs of Dover facing the English Channel in Southeastern England are a
part of a prominent chalk deposit. The cliffs rise to 350 feet and extend for 8 miles. The purity of the chalk creates a problem
for conventional geologists. more
Polystate Tree Fossils
Fossil trees or fossil tree-like plants may be found prostrate, erect
(upright), tilted and in rare cases upside down with respect to the geological strata. more
Joggins Fossil Cliffs
The Joggins
cliffs located at the Bay of Fundy on the east coast of Nova Scotia is an important geological site. more
Dinosaur Extinction
did dinosaurs become extinct? Sounds like a simple straight forwarded question, but today some believe that birds are descended from
dinosaurs or that dinosaurs were types of birds. more
Horse Evolution
Horses are popular animals that evolutionists have chosen
to use to validate evolutionary theory and indoctrinate others to the idea of macroevolution. more
Paluxy River Dinosaur Tracks Challenges
Many sauropod and tridactyl tracks and their trackways have been found in the limestone bed of the Paluxy River near the town of
Glen Rose, Texas. more
Flight Feathers
How flight feathers evolved has long been a problem for evolutionists. more
Bombardier Beetles'
Defense: by Design or Chance
All bombardier beetles can emit an explosive chemical spray from the tip of their abdomen. They are found
on all continents, except Antarctica. more
How Mantises Defy Evolution
Mantises are insects that should give us pause. Well known for their raptorial forelegs that are often held in a praying posture and their camouflage, these predatory insects have some amazing characteristics. more
Origins and Life: Conclusions are Not Objective
How you look at origins and life is the result
of the lenses you look through.
Through the biblical creation lenses you will see everything in the universe wonderfully and magnificently
created by an infinitely intelligent, all powerful, all loving, transcendent, supernatural being for whom nothing is impossible. Everything
was made good with purpose and responsible to its Creator. Limits were set. Due to mankind’s rebellion, the whole creation has been
Through the atheistic lenses you will of necessity see the universe and everything in it as coming into existence through
natural materialistic processes by chance only and therefore without purpose. There is no God. You are responsible to no one and can
do what you want. There is nothing after this life.
There are other lenses such as theistic evolution that rejects God as revealed
in the Bible and instead tries to integrate God with evolutionary thought. No matter what lenses you are looking through, your conclusions
are the result of faith. This is inevitable.
There is no conflict between special creation and micro evolution. Micro evolution is simply changes within species. Micro evolution
is observable today.
Children are not identical to their parents. “No one doubts that descent with modification occurs in the course
of normal biological reproduction. The question is whether descent with modification accounts for the origin of new species - in fact,
of every species.” [1]
The conflict is between special creation and macro evolution. Special creation follows the biblical Genesis
account whereby God created separately each kind of physical life on earth during days three, five and six of creation week. Macro
evolution is “the idea that all forms of life developed gradually from very different and often much simpler ancestors, and that all
lines of their descent can be traced back to a common ancestral organism.” [2] For simplicity, macro evolution in this website will
be referred to as evolution.
[1] Wells, Jonathan,Icons of Evolution Science or Myth?, 1st ed. (Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing,
Inc.,2002), 5
[2] Davis and Solomon, The World of Biology, 3rd ed. (Philadelphia, PA: Saunders College Publishing, 1986), 686
[3] Courtesy:
National Human Genome Research Institute [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons