Noah's Ark Possibility Project (NAPP)
1 The Creation Evolution Digest
2 to 29 Ibid.
30 Mitchell, Robert and Zim, Herbert,Butterflies and Moths, (New York, New York: St. Martin's
Press, 2002)
31 to 32 Ibid.
33 Eaton, Eric and Kaufman, Kenn,Kaufman Field Guide to Insects of North America, (New York, New York: Hillstar Editions, L.C., 2007)
Martins, Dino,Insects of East Africa, (Cape Town,South Africa: Struik Nature, 2015)
35 to 37 Ibid.
38 Picker, Mike and Griffiths, Charles,Insects of South Africa, (Cape Town, South Africa:Struik Nature, 2015)
39 Froggatt, Walter,Australian
Insects, (Sydney: William Brooks and Company, Ltd., 1907)
40 Ibid.
41 Martins, Dino,Insects of East Africa, (Cape Town,South Africa: Struik Nature, 2015)
42 Froggatt, Walter,Australian Insects, (Sydney:
William Brooks and Company, Ltd., 1907)
43 to 46 Ibid.
47 Waterhouse, Douglas,The Insects of Australia, Supplement 1974, (Portland, Oregn: ISBS Inc., 1974)
48 The Creation Evolution Digest
to 53 Ibid.
54 Martins, Dino,Insects of East Africa, (Cape Town,South Africa: Struik Nature, 2015)
55 Froggatt, Walter, Australian Insects,
(Sydney: William Brooks and Company, Ltd., 1907)
56 The Creation Evolution Digest
57 Banks, Nathan,Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative
Zoology at Harvard College, Vol. LXIV. No. 3,New Neuropteroid Insects, (Cambridge, Mass.: printed for the museum, USA, 1920)
58 Ibid.
59 The Creation Evolution Digest
60 to 61 Ibid.
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