Noah's Ark Possibility Project (NAPP)
1 D'Abrera, Bernard,Butterflies of South America,(Victoria, Australia: Hill House, 1984)
2 to 6 Ibid.
7 Evans, Arthur,Field Guide to Insects and Spiders of North America, (New York, New York: Sterling Publishing Co., 2008)
8 to 9 Ibid.
10 Mitchell, Robert and Zim, Herbert, Butterflies and Moths, (New York, New York: St. Martin's Press, 2002)
11 to 16 Ibid.
17 Milne, Lorus and Margery,National Audubon Society, Field Guide to North American Insects and Spiders, (New York: Chanticleer Press, 1980)
18 to 20 Ibid.
21 Swain, Ralph,The Insect Guide, (Garden City, New York, 1957)
22 The Creation Evolution Digest
23 to 28 Ibid.
29 Gibbons, Bob,Field Guide to Insects of Britain and Northern Europe, (Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England: Crowood Press, 1995)
30 Froggatt, Walter,Australian Insects, (Sydney: William Brooks and Company, Ltd., 1907)
31 Ibid.
33 The Creation Evolution Digest
34 to 37 Ibid.
38 Froggatt, Walter,Australian Insects, (Sydney: William Brooks and Company, Ltd., 1907)
39 to 41 Ibid.
42 The Creation Evolution Digest
43 to 47 Ibid.
48 Richards Topical Encyclopedia, Vol. 3, (New York: J. A. Richards Publishing Co., Inc., 1946)
49 Martins, Dino,Insects of East Africa, (Cape Town,South Africa: Struik Nature, 2015)
51 Gibbons, Bob,Field Guide to Insects of Britain and Northern Europe, (Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England: Crowood Press, 1995)
53 Gibbons, Bob,Field Guide to Insects of Britain and Northern Europe, (Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England: Crowood Press, 1995)
54 The Creation Evolution Digest
55 to 56 Ibid.
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