Noah's Ark Possibility Project (NAPP)
Table 14 is intended to provide a rough estimate of the average weight of adult extinct historic reptiles. These reptiles may have been accounted for in Table 2 results, but are included here just in case they have not.
One extinct subspecies weight is not included because this subspecies is just a variation of an extant species.
3. Weight information
for these reptiles was not available in all references found. a. Where an animal of comparable size was mentioned and a weight estimate
was available for that animal, the weight estimate for the comparable animal was used as indicated by "a" in this table. b. When length
information was available in the references, then weights of reptiles of the same type and approximate size were used as indicated
by "g" in the table. c. When no length information was available, then weights were estimated based on the type of reptile only as
indicated by “h” in the table.
4. The weight of the giant turtles are quite variable based on age among other factors.
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