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Noah's Ark Possibility Project (NAPP)
1. See List A for explanation of Clean and Unclean Animals.
2. The number of extinct identified is constantly changing and usually increasing in number.
3. Weight information was often lacking in references.
4. Weights in the Adult Ave. Wt. Used column:
a. Where weight ranges were given
in references, the average of the weights were used.
b. Where maximum weights only were given, 75 percent of the maximum weights were
c. When only length or height or animals of comparable size information were available as indicated by “e” in the table, rough
average weights were estimated based on the weights of other mammals of similar size.
d. In those cases where no information was available
and a number was necessary to complete calculations, then a rough estimate of average weight was assumed as indicated by “f” in the
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Table 18 is intended to provide a rough estimate of the total weight of extinct historic adult male and female clean mammals that
may have been on the ark. In making this estimate, maximum possible weight is not the criteria but the possibility of a certain weight
meeting the biblical criteria and what is observable. The biblical criteria for loading the animals on the ark is two of every kind
of living animal, male and female, and seven of every kind of living clean animal, male and female. The use of kind here most likely
does not agree with the poorly defined term species. Micro evolution (variation within a kind) takes place all the time and it is
unlikely that God would consider these variants as different kinds of living flesh. Although the use of species (s) in these calculations
is questionable, the use of subspecies (ss) that are minor variants of species is more questionable. Therefore, subspecies are shown
but have not been included in these calculations.