Dedicated to summarizing the facts regarding origins
Swainson Hawk Gallery
& Nature Photo Galleries
Atlas Moth*
SE Asia and Malay Archipelago
Giant Leopard Moth (Male)*
SE Texas, USA
Nudaurelia Genus Moth* African
Luna Moth*
North America
Ambulyx Genus Moth*
Cerratomia undulosa Moth*
Canada and USA, E of Rockies
Cechenena helops subspecies Moth*
Somewhere in SE Asia, Nepal, NE India,
or SW China
Pink White Lined Sphinx Moth * Arizona, USA
Hemileuca Genus Moth*
Arizona, USA
Salt Marsh Moth*
SE Texas, USA
Pink Spotted Sphinx Moth*
SE Texas, USA
Caligula Anna Moth*
Copaxa cydippe Moth
Worldwide Moths Gallery
SE and S Asia including China
Central America including Guatemala
and Mexico
Xylophanes tersa Moth*
Deilephila Genus Moth Pair* Bulgaria, 2012
Cairo rumulus brasilensis Moth*
Antherea Genus Moth (male)
Laos, 2003
Epiphora Genus Moth (male)*
Togo, May 2004
Copiopteryx sonthonaxi (male)
Brazil, April 28,1973
Hyalophona cecropia Moth*
North America's Largest Moth
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